Why Sugarcoated?

Hi! I’m actor Jen Ponton. Sugarcoated is a deep-dive and insider look into the formation of my first solo show: the story of my coming out.

Who am I?

I’m an actor, writer, and queer New Jerseyan, not necessarily in that order. I’ve been on shows like Dietland and The Good Wife and 30 Rock, and I starred in the campy, queer feature, Love on the Run. I also presented the TEDx Talk “Hollywood’s Fatphobia Problem,” and I’m outspoken on Instagram about fat politics and body liberation.

What is Sugarcoated?

Sugarcoated is my first solo show. Sugarcoated *on Substack* is the show in scrapbook form, behind the curtain—essays, musings, experiences, podcasts, heartbreak, rage, and laughter.

What do I get with a paid subscription?

I’m not putting very much behind a paywall, most posts you’ll be free to read and engage with. There will be some insider first looks, and some deeper, more intimate and vulnerable explorations. Think of a paid subscription as a ko-fi or Patreon. If you so choose, thank you deeply for your generosity, and for helping fund some radical queer theatre and literature!

Subscribe to Sugarcoated

Sugar and Spice and The Big Bad. By Jen Ponton.


Actor in many things, screenwriter and playwright. Professional Late-Bloomer. Author of Sugarcoated. 🎂